Oil and Gas Map Resources
CJM Petroleum Consulting Inc. Dashboard
- CJM Petroleum Consulting Inc. offers a free dashboard that utilizes Utah's Oil & Gas data. This dashboard is not hosted by the state. Please direct your questions about the dashboard to CJM Petroleum Consulting Inc.
Utah Oil and Gas History Interactive Map
- This map illustrates Utah's Oil and Gas history through a interactive map.
- Utah Data Explorer Well Map
- This is a public tool for locating Utah wells and related information. Search filters make this an easy way
to locate wells and their associated information (location, status, operator, construction, production, etc.).
Go to the Data Explorer map and click on the "?" in the upper right-hand corner for addtional help. Built with
support from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC).
- Oil and Gas Well Portal Layer - DOGM
- This GIS data layer is maintained by the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining. If you have questions, please call 801-538-5430.
- Vector GIS Data Layers for Utah Energy - AGRC
- This link will take you to the Utah GIS Portal, Geographic Information Database.
It is sponsored by the Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC).
There, you will be able to download GIS data layers for the mapping of oil, gas, and other energy resources.
NOTE: The oil/gas wells dataset is updated nightly in the SGID ArcSDE 9.3 and 10.0 databases.
File based FTP downloads are not updated nightly. The folder and file dates will reflect the latest updates.
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS - On the AGRC Oil & Gas Layer page, click on the Oil & Gas Wells - 'Usage' tab for data field descriptions..
WELL CODES - Click here for a listing of well type and status codes occasionally used on our maps.
- Utah GIS Portal - AGRC (Utah Automated Geographical Reference Center)
- The home of the State of Utah's mapping resources.
BLM Utah Oil and Gas Unit Agreements Layer (US Bureau of Land Management)
- This data set contains Oil and Gas Unit Agreements, derived from Legal Land Descriptions (LLD) contained in the US Bureau of Land
Management's BLM LR2000 Case Recordation Database, and geocoded (mapped) using the Public Land Survey System (PLSS)/Geographic
Coordinate Data Base (GCDB) derived from the most accurate survey data available through BLM Cadastral Survey workforce.
- Utah Production Map
- Map showing general location of Utah's oil and gas resources.
The Utah Oil and Gas Program switched UTM mapping coordinates from NAD27 to
NAD83 (Zone 12) effective October 18, 2011.
The latitude/longitude coordinates were converted from NAD27 to
NAD83 on October 26, 2011.
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